ICD-10 Codes for Ankle Sprains

ICD-10 Codes

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Fred Mosley Overview Symptoms Types Grades Treatments Recovery In the 10th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), ankle sprains are classified under the S93 category. The specific code assigned depends on factors such as the location of the sprain and the severity.  Here is the list of ICD-10 codes […]

Types of Ankle Sprains

Types of Ankle Sprains

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Jeff Mosley Overview Symptoms ICD – 10 Codes Grades Treatments Recovery Ankle sprains suffered at workplaces can be categorized into three broad categories — inversion ankle sprains, eversion ankle sprains, and high ankle sprains. Let’s take a deeper look into each of these and find out how they can commonly occur.  […]

Symptoms of a Sprained Ankle


Medically Reviewed By Dr. Fred Mosley Overview Types ICD – 10 Codes Grades Treatments Recovery The symptoms of a sprained ankle that your employee has suffered can vary in severity depending on the extent of the ligament injury. Common symptoms of a sprained ankle include: Pain – Ankle pain is a primary symptom of a sprain. […]

Ankle Sprain Treatment Options

Ankle Sprain Treatment

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Fred Mosley Overview Symptoms Types IC-10 Codes Grades Recovery The treatment for a work-related ankle sprain injury depends on the severity of the sprain. Initial treatment may involve the R.I.C.E. protocol, but more severe sprains may require additional interventions.  Here are common treatment options for a sprained ankle: R.I.C.E. Protocol Rest: […]

Grades Of Ankle Sprain

Grades of ankle sprain

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Fred Mosley Overview Symptoms Types IC-10 Codes Treatments Recovery Ankle sprains are commonly classified into three grades or levels based on the severity of the injury. These grades provide a general framework for understanding ankle sprains, but individual cases may vary.  The three grades of ankle sprains are: Grade 1 (Mild) […]