Neck Stretches

Upper Trap stretch

Hold: 20 seconds | Reps: 5 times


Use one hand to tilt your head sideways, pulling your ear toward one shoulder until you feel a stretch in the opposite side of your neck, and hold.
Make sure to keep your back straight and do not let your head rotate, or bend forward or backward.

Levator stretch

Hold: 20 seconds | Reps: 5 times


Begin sitting upright in a chair, grasping the edge with one hand.
Rotate your head to the side opposite your anchored arm, and then tuck your chin towards your chest.
With your free hand, grasp the back of your head and gently pull it downward until you feel a stretch and hold.
Make sure to keep your back straight during the exercise.

Chin tuck

Hold: 5 seconds | Reps: 10 times


Place two fingers on your chin and gently push your chin directly backward, then repeat.
Make sure to maintain good posture during the exercise.