Shoulder Stretches

Median nerve glide

Hold: 1-2 seconds

Reps: 10 times


Curl one arm toward the top of your shoulder, bending at your elbow and wrist.
Next, slowly straighten your elbow out to the side of your body.
When your elbow is straight, extend your wrist so your fingers are pointed toward the floor.
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Ulnar Nerve Glide- Full Arm

Hold: 1-2 seconds

Reps: 10 times


Reach arm out to the side up to shoulder height, with palm facing down.
Then lift wrist up towards the ceiling.
Bend elbow, bringing hand towards the base of ear.
Return to starting position and repeat.

Scapular retraction

Hold: 5 seconds

Reps: 10 times


Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together, then relax them and repeat.
Squeeze shoulder down and in, do not shrug shoulders up towards ears.

Pec Stretch

Hold: 20 seconds

Reps: 5 times


Stand upright position in the center of a doorway.
With your elbow bent, place your forearm on the side of the doorway at a 90 degree angle from your side.
Then take a small step forward and slightly rotate your body until your feel a stretch in the front of your shoulder. Hold this position.
Make sure to maintain a gentle stretch and do not shrug your shoulder during the exercise.